Freak Guitar Lab, interview Mattias IA Eklundh au Japon pour le lancement

Le musicien suédois Mattias IA Eklundh de Freak Kitchen était au Japon pour le Sound Messe Osaka pour présenter sa marque de guitare Freak Guitar Lab ( J'étais ravi de pouvoir le refaire en interview car ce sont toujours de très bons moments passés avec ce musicien ultra talentueux. Interview Mattias IA Eklundh En attendant

Mercredi 11 mars 2015 Mattias Eklundh, le truculent guitariste de Freak Kitchen, a animé un showcase/masterclass dans le magasin Metal Guitar avant le concert du groupe dans la soirée. Ce fût l'occasion d'un superbe moment de guitare où Mattias a partagé avec beaucoup de générosité et d'humour sa passion pour la musique.

Partie 1/3

Partie 2/3

Partie 3/3

En attendant la prochaine masterclass, continuez à bien jouer de la guitare !


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It's always a pleasure to meet and interview Mattias Eklundh as he is such a nice guy and awesome musician. I dig the last album "Cooking with Pagan" he has just released with Freak Kitchen, it's shock full of cool songs with incredible guitar works.

As it is the 3rd time I get to do an interview with Mattias, we got a little crazy during the interview. Hope you like the video above!

Pics from the soundcheck at Divan du Monde (Paris)

Vidéos du showcase/masterclass chez Metal Guitar
Juste avant ce concert au Divan, Mattias a animé un showcase/masterclass de plus d'une heure pour un pur moment de guitare et d'humour. L'intégral en 3 vidéos est disponible dans cet article.



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Mattias Eklundh interview transcription (PDF) #Backstage


Back in september I had the pleasure to meet Matthias Eklundh while he was doing some promo for the Freak Kitchen album "Land Of The Freaks", here is a word-by-word complete written transcription done by Jenn at Random Chatter Music.

PDF transcription of the Mattias Eklundh interview
The audio recording of the interview is in #038.

Happy reading,


Mattias Eklundh
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Mattias « IA » Eklundh interview

Meeting with Mattias "IA" Eklundh was an experience. The guitar player for the swedish power-trio Freak Kitchen is very funny and manages to be also very serious in his answers at the same time.
I have to admit I discovered very recently the music from Freak Kitchen (shame on me, I know!) and I was more than anxious to discuss with such a guitar player.

They will be in France in 2010 (February 2nd at La Maroquinerie in Paris) so don't miss them if they come near you. Check the tour dates on their website.
With the authorization of Mattias, I played two extracts in this show:

"Sick" from the latest Freak Kiychen album "Land Of The Freaks"
"Mumbo Jumbo" from IA solo album "Freak Guitar"

Links: marque de la guitare de Mattias
