Le Tone King Gremlin est un ampli à lampes au format combo très simple à régler (il y a un seul bouton de volume et un seul de tonalité) qui sonne aussi bien en son Clean qu'en son Lead. Dans l'esprit on se trouve plutôt dans le style Fender Blackface et Tweed. C'est grace à

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There's a cool guitar shop in Paris called Guitars Addicts where I had several times in the past the opportunity to play on Tone King amps (www.toneking.com): they sound great. That's why I was very happy to meet Mark Bartel who is the tone guru at Tone King during the NAMM show.

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Sujects abordés avec Mark Bartel durant l'interview

His first guitar
His best and worst memories of past editions of the NAMM show
How he became an amp builder
His method to develop a new amp
What's left to invent in the tube amp world

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