Using Chromaticisms simply means adding extra notes to our melodies, our arpeggios, or our scales. However, those extra notes are not found in the original tonality. They are used as passing-tones, in order to generate a certain tension, but will eventually need to resolve into a consonant note.
Let’s start with a simple C Major scale:
Let's now insert an additional note in between G and A.
We now have:
C D E F G (G#) A B C
This is an 8-note scale, consisting of a Major Scale with an added raised 5th (#5).
That G# can be considered a “wrong” note, as it is not normally found in the tonality of C Major. Used as a chromaticism, though, it can add an interesting dissonance to an otherwise plain and bland C Major scale.
We happen to have created a BeBop Scale.
Instead of the G#, we could add an F#:
C D E F (F#) G A B C
We now have another 8-note scale, consisting of a Major Scale with an added raised 4th (#4).
That scale is just another type of BeBop Scale.
You see, there isn't just one so-called BeBop Scale, but a large number of them-- in fact, what we call "BeBop Scales" is actually a concept, and not a particular scale. The idea is that we can insert a extra note into an already existing scale or mode. That extra note will be a passing tone, and it is called a chromaticism.
Here are all the possible BeBop scales that may be generated by adding a chromaticism to a C Major Scale:
C D E F G (G#) A B C (preferred Major BeBop scale)
C D E F (F#) G A B C
C D (D#) E F G A B C
C (C#) D E F G A B C
If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me through The Guitar Channel by commenting below or directly through my website
See you again soon!
Note de La Chaîne Guitare
Cette chronique et la vidéo associée sont en anglais car Bruno les a faite pour The Guitar Channel. J'ai trouvé néanmoins intéressant de les mettre à disposition tel quel des backstagers francophones car le sujet est passionnant.
Si vous souhaitez approfondir certaines notions avec Bruno, il donne des cours en Skype à 37€ au lieu de 48€ pour les détenteurs de Pass Backstage. Voir mon article sur le cours Skype pris avec lui pour vous donner une idée.
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Pédago Jazz par Bruno – Chromatisme
Using Chromaticisms simply means adding extra notes to our melodies, our arpeggios, or our scales. However, those extra notes are not found in the original tonality. They are used as passing-tones, in order to generate a certain tension, but will eventually need to resolve into a consonant note.
Let’s start with a simple C Major scale:
Let's now insert an additional note in between G and A.
We now have:
This is an 8-note scale, consisting of a Major Scale with an added raised 5th (#5).
That G# can be considered a “wrong” note, as it is not normally found in the tonality of C Major. Used as a chromaticism, though, it can add an interesting dissonance to an otherwise plain and bland C Major scale.
We happen to have created a BeBop Scale.
Instead of the G#, we could add an F#:
We now have another 8-note scale, consisting of a Major Scale with an added raised 4th (#4).
That scale is just another type of BeBop Scale.
You see, there isn't just one so-called BeBop Scale, but a large number of them-- in fact, what we call "BeBop Scales" is actually a concept, and not a particular scale. The idea is that we can insert a extra note into an already existing scale or mode. That extra note will be a passing tone, and it is called a chromaticism.
Here are all the possible BeBop scales that may be generated by adding a chromaticism to a C Major Scale:
If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me through The Guitar Channel by commenting below or directly through my website
See you again soon!
Note de La Chaîne Guitare
Cette chronique et la vidéo associée sont en anglais car Bruno les a faite pour The Guitar Channel. J'ai trouvé néanmoins intéressant de les mettre à disposition tel quel des backstagers francophones car le sujet est passionnant.
Si vous souhaitez approfondir certaines notions avec Bruno, il donne des cours en Skype à 37€ au lieu de 48€ pour les détenteurs de Pass Backstage. Voir mon article sur le cours Skype pris avec lui pour vous donner une idée.
Pour le contacter, toutes ses coordonnées sont sur son site :
Prenez le Pass Backstage pour accéder aux vidéos exclusives et bien plus
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